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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 13 (1963), Pages 149-174

Previous HitStratigraphicNext Hit Traps in Southeastern Louisiana

The New Orleans Geological Society Study Group (*)


Tertiary and Quaternary deposition in southeastern Louisiana created an area that is highly favorable for the occurrence of Previous HitstratigraphicNext Hit traps. The types of Previous HitstratigraphicNext Hit traps possible in this area are: (1) primary traps--including channel, bar and bar-finger sands, and possibly reef type deposits; (2) secondary traps--commonly termed unconformity traps; and (3) combination traps-- including strandline traps, pinch-outs against salt domes, and primary traps associated with a structure. A number of economically valuable Previous HitstratigraphicNext Hit traps have already been found even though exploration to date has been based primarily on a Previous HitstructuralTop approach. For the most part these traps are poorly delineated and difficult to classify. A few of the known traps are discussed, and possible methods are suggested for determining their origins and for finding similar types.

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