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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 14 (1964), Pages 233-233

Abstract: Jurassic Development Upper Golf Coastal Areas of Northeast Mexico and Southern United States

R. W. Eaton (1)


The continued high order interest in Jurassic exploration throughout the Upper Gulf Coastal Region stems directly from several significant gas condensate discoveries in the Northeast Texas Area during 1961-1962. Subsequent discoveries in Mississippi in 1963 and Southwest Texas in 1964 have further stimulated exploration efforts encompassing an area from Southwest Alabama westward through Louisiana, East and Southwest Texas on into Northeast Mexico.

Through the Previous HitmediaTop of cross sections, regional structure, isopachous and lithofacies maps, this contribution attempts to present the gross facies of each of the lithic units within the Jurassic throughout the area covered.

Structure maps of four of the major producing areas of Northeast Texas, together with pertinent reservoir and production data will be presented.

Emphasis will be placed on economic appraisal rather than a purely Geologic study. Exploration, exploitation and production costs will be discussed with reference to the Northeast Texas Area.

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(1) P. G. Lake, Inc., Tyler, Texas.

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