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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 15 (1965), Pages 45-45

Abstract: Comparison of Quartz and Carbonate Shallow Previous HitMarineNext Hit Sands, Cretaceous Fredericksburg, Central Texas

C. H. Moore, Jr., K. G. Martin


The lower Fredericksburg Cretaceous of central Texas contains two shallow-Previous HitmarineNext Hit sand deposits of similar shape but of contrasting lithology, genesis, and porosity trend.

The lower sand (Paluxy Sandstone) is part of the initial clastic phase of the lower Fredericksburg depositional cycle and is composed predominantly of quartz sand and clay. It occurs as a tongue which projects southward from the main body of the formation. The Paluxy tongue was deposited by longshore currents, modified shoreward by wave swash and tidal action, in a coastal near-shore Previous HitmarineNext Hit environment. The trend of the tongue is controlled by the position of the shoreline and by the configuration of the sea floor.

The upper sand (Whitestone Member of the Walnut Formation) is the terminal phase of the lower Fredericksburg cycle and is composed entirely of carbonate grains. The Whitestone is an elongate, mound-shaped body of lime sand trending northwest; it was deposited in an agitated, offshore, shallow-Previous HitmarineNext Hit environment by northwest-southeast trending Previous HitmarineTop currents which were modified locally by surge channels normal to this trend. The trend of the mound is controlled-by linear shoal areas.

1. Exploration and Production Research Division Publication No. 413, Shell Development Company (A Division of Shell Oil Company), Houston, Texas. Accepted for publication in the Bulletin, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, in late 1965 or early 1966.

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Shell Development Company (A Division of Shell Oil Company) Exploration and Production Research Division, Houston, Texas.

Pan American Petroleum Corporation, New Orleans, Louisiana.

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