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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 16 (1966), Pages 7-11

A Sub-Regional Report of the Camerina Zone of Southwest Louisiana

Frank W. Harrison, Previous HitRobertTop A. Anderson


A detailed subsurface evaluation of the Camerina zone in the Maurice Field area reveals a marked similiarity to the environment of deposition of these sediments in the Lake Arthur depocenter. A stratigraphic analysis of the two areas was selected for study as each is characterized by the processes which provide a geologic framework for the development of other local embayments found in the subsurface of South Louisiana.

Correlation sections were prepared to illustrate the influence of growth faulting on the development of the sediments in each area. The effect of this fault system is further evidenced on supporting isopachous maps of the Heterostegina lime-Camerina interval, and the Camerina-Miogypsinoides sand interval. Each displays a pronounced thickening of section downthrown to the faults relative to a corresponding section upthrown. In addition there exists a marked increase in the number of discrete sand bodies on the coastal side of these south dipping systems, as illustrated on a sand distribution map of the Camerina interval.

The regional Camerina subsurface interpretation affords a comparison of the basic structural patterns found in the Lake Arthur and Maurice depocenters, while showing the relationship of the growth faults which affect the two areas.

Significant gas reserves have recently been discovered in the Miogypsinoides sand of the Camerina zone at Maurice Field. A detailed subsurface map of this area is presented to further evaluate the extent and nature of local structure at this horizon as well as its relative importance to the regional trend.

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