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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 16 (1966), Pages 35-43

Pre-Cretaceous Geology of Pool Creek Field Jones County, Mississippi

Edward D. Minihan, Marvin L. Oxley


Commercial Jurassic production from the Cotton Valley and Smackover and additional pre-Smackover shows at Pool Creek represents a new era in exploration for the State. Thick multiple pays, high production rates, large reserves per well and better spacing regulations offer oil hunters new incentives for deeper drilling. Knowledge gained from the study of this field will materially aid in the search for other Jurassic Prospects.

Pool Creek is an intermediate type salt dome overlain by a complexly faulted graben. Prior to the discovery of Jurassic production, the Cretaceous geology was well defined. This information was used to help predict the older and deeper structure. Upper Cotton Valley sands rest unconformably on an eroded Smackover surface. At Pool Creek depositional environment, length of erosional period, and time of salt movement are the controlling factors for accumulation.

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