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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 16 (1966), Pages 373-373

Abstract: Fault and Salt Map of South Louisiana

W. E. Wallace


The 1966 Edition of this regional map which accompanies the Transactions Volume XVI, is on a scale of 1:500 000 with a blue-line print available separately with scale of 1:250 000. A special effort has been made to obtain and present the most complete record of salt depths ever before assembled in one map. For the first time the faults have been tied across the Sabine River into Texas.

Township lines are now added for more accurate location of details. The outlines of productive areas have been brought up to date to July, 1966. There are no new developments which deserve any special comment. The appearance of many arcuate patterns and sinuous traces, is noteworthy. This map is presented with the Transactions without oral discussion or full written text.

Previous editions of this map:

1943 Ph.D. Dissertation Louisiana State University.
1949 Gulf Coast Meeting Biloxi, Miss. Not published.
1952 Transactions GCAGS Vol. II, Corpus Christi, Texas.
1957 Transactions GCAGS Vol. VII, New Orleans, Louisiana.
1962 Transactions GCAGS Vol. XII, New Orleans, Louisiana.


Wallace, William E., "A Study of Deep-Seated Domes of South Louisiana." Ph.D. Disseration, La. State University, 1943.

"Structure of South Louisiana Deep-Seated Domes," Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., vol. 28, no. 9, (September, 1944, pp. 1259-1312).

"Deep-Seated Domes of South Louisiana, A Regional interpretation," unpublished manuscript, Gulf Coast Geological Meeting, October, 1949.

"South Louisiana Fault Trends," Trans. Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Soc., 2nd Ann., November, 1952)., pp. 63-66, and map.

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Forest Oil Corporation, Lafayette, Louisiana

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