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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 19 (1969), Pages 233-238

Uranium Geochemistry of the Gulf of Mexico

W. M. Sackett, G. Cook


The economic importance, the dissimilarity in chemical behavior of its two oxidation states and the unique usefulness of its radioactive daughter products make uranium and its geochemistry extremely interesting to earth scientists. The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) has the attractive feature of being a semi-closed system that offers the possibility of a complete monitoring of all inputs and removal processes for trace elements such as uranium. Experimental values obtained in this study of the geochemical cycle of uranium in the GOM are as follows:

High uranium concentrations in midwest U.S.A. rivers relative to other rivers of the world can be explained by solubilization of the uranium in phosphate fertilizers applied to the land surface. Estimated pre-fertilizer uranium input to the GOM is nearly balanced by uranium co-deposition with carbonates on the Yucatan shelf.

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