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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 23 (1973), Pages 54-59

Mapping Hydrocarbon Concentration and Permeability Improves Exploitation of Oil and Gas

Lloyd C. Fons (1)


Commercial oil and gas production requires the presence of hydrocarbons in sufficient volume and the ability of the reservoir to give them up. Property value is related to these parameters. Other factors are also important, such as the relative position of a possible critical water saturation level, well depth, and the efficiency of exploration and reservoir development.

In our search for hydrocarbons, known volumes of oil and gas can be mapped and trends projected. To predict production rates from proposed wells, permeability from existing well data can be mapped and permeability trends projected. These mapping parameters are easily derived from well log data. Such maps may bear little resemblance to isopach and structure maps of the same reservoir.

This paper explains a method for mapping hydrocarbon concentration and reservoir permeability and utilizing the resulting maps. Examples show where results of such action are superior to those obtained by conventional structural and isopach mapping techniques.

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