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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 23 (1973), Pages 146-157

Jay Field--A Jurassic Stratigraphic Trap

R. D. Ottmann (1), P. L. Keyes (2), M. A. Ziegler (3)


The first Jurassic oil discovery in Florida was made in June, 1970, near Jay, 35 miles north of Pensacola. Current estimates indicate recoverable reserves in the Smackover Formation should exceed 300 million stock tank barrels of oil and 300 billion cubic feet of gas. Production occurs on the south plunge of a large subsurface anticline with the updip trap formed by a facies change from porous dolomite to dense micritic limestone.

The Smackover consists of a lower transgressive interval of laminated algal mat and mud flat deposits and an upper regressive section of hardened pellet grainstones. Early dolomitization and freshwater leaching have provided a complex, extensive, high quality reservoir. Irregular distribution of facies presents difficult problems in development drilling, unitization, and planned pressure maintenance programs.

Hydrogen sulfide content of the hydrocarbons requires expensive processing facilities and well investment. A typical completed well costs $650,000 with an additional $200,000 for flowline and inlet separation facilities. Add to this $550,000 for plant facilities to sweeten the oil for market, and each well investment approaches $1,400,000. Daily production from Jay Field will approach 85,000 barrels from approximately 85 wells less than three years after discovery. This rapid development results from a coordinated development program with modular plant design.

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