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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GCAGS Transactions
Sedimentary Structures and Grain-Size Distribution Mustang Island, Texas
R. J. Moiola (1), A. B. Spencer (1)
The beach-dune complex of Mustang Island, Texas, consists of four subfacies (lower foreshore, upper foreshore, backshore, dune). Each subfacies contains a diagnostic suite of sedimentary structures. Burrows characterize the lower foreshore, parallel stratification the upper foreshore, irregular stratification and cross-stratification the backshore, and steeply dipping cross-stratification the dunes. Grain-size distributions of these subfacies are similar and textural parameters do not effectively differentiate them. The subfacies, however, can be differentiated easily using discriminant analysis. Sedimentary structures used in combination with discriminant analysis of grain-size data may be an effective approach for analyzing ancient sand bodies.
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