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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 24 (1974), Pages 321-326

Differentiation of Modern Sand Bodies by Linear Discriminant Analysis

R. J. Moiola, A. B. Spencer, D. Weiser (1)


Analysis of sets of samples from modern beach, coastal dune, inland dune, and river environments, consisting of 30 samples each, demonstrates that: linear discriminant analysis effectively differentiates between beach, coastal dune, inland dune, and river sands; linear discriminant analysis applied to whole phi sieve data differentiates as effectively or more effectively between sands from different environments than textural parameters calculated from quarter phi sieve data; and linear discriminant analysis successfully differentiates between beach and coastal dune sands and river and inland dune sands whereas textural parameters do not.

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