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The Apparent Growth of Gulf Beach, Exgreme West Florida
Dennis J. Price (1)
Gulf Beach is the area from the entrance to Pensacola Bay, west to the Alabama state line at the entrance to Perdido Bay. Using topographic maps and aerial photographs, it has been determined that this section of beach has been growing at the rate of about 60 ± 20 meters a year for 108 years. The lack of evidence of beach erosion, the long beach ridges parallel to much of the beach and the very wide foreshore area bear out this conclusion. Reversals of drift direction during certain periods and the dredging of the channels may be having varied effects on the beach. Eolian erosion, not wave erosion, does the greatest damage to the beach. Areas north of the barrier island beach, on the mainland, show a well preserved and complex beach history. This is only a preliminary report and further study of the entire area is recommended.
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