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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 29 (1979), Pages 157-163

Studies of the Suitability of Salt Domes in East Texas Basin for Geologic Isolation of Previous HitNuclearNext Hit Wastes (1)

Charles W. Kreitler (2)


The suitability of salt domes in the east Texas basin (Tyler basin), Texas, for long-term isolation of Previous HitnuclearTop wastes is being evaluated. The major issues concern hydrogeologic and tectonic stability of the domes and potential natural resources in the basin. These issues are being approached by integration of dome-specific and regional hydrogeologic, geologic, geomorphic, and remote-sensing investigations. Hydrogeologic studies are evaluating basinal hydrogeology and ground-water flow around the domes in order to determine the degree to which salt domes may be dissolving, their rates of solution, and the orientation of saline plumes in the fresh-water aquifers. Subsurface geologic studies are being conducted: 1) to determine the size and shape of specific salt domes, the geology of the strata immediately surrounding the domes, and the regional geology of the east Texas basin; 2) to understand the geologic history of dome growth and basin infilling; and 3) to evaluate potential natural resources. Geomorphic and surficial geology studies are determining whether there has been any dome growth or tectonic movement in the basin during the Quaternary. Remote-sensing studies are being conducted to determine: 1) if dome uplift has altered regional lineation patterns in Quaternary sediments; and 2) whether drainage density indicates Quaternary structural movement.

On the basis of the screening criteria of Brunton et al. (1978), Oakwood and Keechi domes have been chosen as possible candidate domes. Twenty-three domes have been eliminated because of insufficient size, too great a depth to salt, major hydrocarbon production, or previous use (such as liquid propane storage or salt mining or brining). Detailed geologic, hydrogeologic, and geomorphic investigations are now being conducted around Oakwood and Keechi salt domes.

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