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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 29 (1979), Pages 404-404

Abstract: Enhanced Oil Recovery

James D. Previous HitHenryTop (1)


In the United States we have about 300 billion bbls of oil in known fields but which will not be recovered because of economic and technological limitations. This oil is the target of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).

But, even given reasonable improvements in oil price policy and process technology, the success of EOR projects is not guaranteed. The high cost of the injected materials and the necessity of maintaining certain critical conditions at the injection front will require much more geological assistance to the reservoir engineers than has been the case for conventional recovery processes.

This paper provides an overview of the technological and economic aspects of EOR and a discussion of the type of geological assistance which will be needed in evaluation and implementation of EOR projects.

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(1) Manager, Reservoir Engineering, ARCO Oil and Gas.

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