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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 30 (1980), Pages 351-359

The Previous HitBiostratigraphicNext Hit Significance of Fossil Molluscan Larvae

Thor Hansen (1)


Most marine molluscs have some form of pelagic larval stage which produces a distinctive protoconch. Scanning Electron Microscope studies reveal that larval shells are routinely preserved in sediments as old as the Upper Cretaceous, and protoconches are characteristic enough to identify to species on the basis of the unmetamorphosed larval shell. This has paleoecologic and Previous HitbiostratigraphicTop potential in cores where only a small number of identifiable adult molluscs are normally found. In addition, larval shells are frequently carried by water currents to areas not inhabited by the adults. This has the effect of extending the species geographic range and partially eliminating facies dependence. Fossil molluscan larvae are, therefore, a potentially valuable new micropaleontologic group.

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