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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 33 (1983), Pages 221-230

Problematical Petrophysical Characteristics of the Smackover at Bayou Middle Fork Field, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana

James R. Turner (1)


Values of irreducible water saturation calculated from conventional electric and porosity logs at Bayou Middle Fork Field are often greater than 60 percent. Mercury injection curves reveal that the true water saturation averages about 40 percent. Scanning electron micrographs show oolitic grains that have been recrystallized and have rough irregular surfaces as well as intercrystalline porosity within the particles. Water adheres to these grain surfaces and occupies some of the intercrystalline porosity in productive zones, causing the calculated water saturations to read too high. Application of the Previous HitArchieNext Hit equation, the Guillotte et al. technique, and the Rocky Mountain technique each provide a different suite of water saturations.

Previous HitArchieNext Hit water saturations average about 75 percent when density-neutron porosity values are used. Density-neutron porosity values tend to read about 2 porosity units low when compared with core porosity values throughout the field. When core-correlated porosity is used, the Previous HitArchieNext Hit saturation averages about 60 percent.

The Guillotte et al. technique employs a variable textural parameter "w" which is dependent on porosity and permeability. Mean water saturation with this method averages about 49 percent, which is in better agreement with the mercury injection data.

The Rocky Mountain ratio yields water saturations that are too high until the porosity balance technique is applied. Since Rt is assumed to read too low due to the excess immobile water, the Rocky Mountain derived porosities are too low. When Rt is increased to balance the porosity the water saturation averages about 43 percent, using z = .025. When the Rocky Mountain Rta is used in the Previous HitArchieTop equation, water saturations more consistent with the mercury injection data result. In addition the difference between the observed Rt and the Rocky Mountain derived Rta can be plotted as a function of porosity.

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