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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GCAGS Transactions
The Effects of Paleotopography and Substrate Lithology on the Origin of Waulsortian Reefs: South-Central Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico
Peter G. George (1), Wayne M. Ahr (1)
The Mississippian Caballero Formation and Andrecito member of the Lake Valley Formation in the south-central Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico make up the stratigraphic section between the top of the Devonian and the base of a Waulsortian reef horizon. The depositional history of that interval includes the following phases in chronological order: 1) deposition on an uneven Devonian surface that was part of a regional, southwest-sloping ramp; 2) partial infilling of the uneven surface under-progressively shallowing conditions by mudstones, wackestones, and calcareous shale of the Caballero Formation; 3) continued shallowing during deposition of the overlying Andrecito member with the in situ accumulation of fenestrate bryozoan-crinoid packstones on paleotopographic highs inherited from the uneven devonian surface; 4) elsewhere, the accumulation of calcareous shale, mudstones, and wackestones in deeper water; 5) an irregular depositional surface on the Andrecito member, characterized by much paleotopographic relief due to localized packstone buildups; and 6) initiation of Waulsortion reef growth on the grainy, Andrecito paleotopographic highs.
This study describes how paleotopographic relief inherited from the Devonian was propagated upsection and enhanced during the accumulation of the Andrecito member, under conditions of shallow water carbonate deposition. At the close of Andrecito deposition, this paleotopography provided the necessary shallow water, grainy settings for the initiation of Waulsortian reef growth.
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