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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 37 (1987), Pages 25-34

Comparison of Petrographic Characteristics of Selected Carbonate Rocks to their Petrophysical Log Response--Smackover Formation (Upper Jurassic)

Alfred A. Biehle (1), Carey M. Crocker (1)


Recent advancements in Previous HitwellNext Hit logging techniques have enabled geologists to greatly increase their knowledge of petrophysical properties. Optimum use of porosity logs allows for predictions of porosity parameters other than merely the porosity percent

Shallow water carbonate rocks contain a wide variety of porosity Previous HittypesNext Hit and present a special problem to the geologist involved in subsurface work. The oolitic grainstone upper member of the Smackover Formation (Upper Jurassic), within the Gulf Coast region, contains numerous porosity Previous HittypesNext Hit. Three major Previous HittypesNext Hit, interparticle; intercrystalline, and oomoldic, were identified from petrographic analysis.

With the use of computer generated crossplots of Neutron log values versus Density log values, it is possible to determine the amount of porosity Previous HittypesTop within a carbonate rock. The cementation exponent (m) from Archie's equation, as determined from Pickett Plots, is a reliable indicator of the tortuosity and permeability of carbonate units, while multivariate cluster analysis grouped porosities solely by percent porosity and not by porosity type.

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