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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 38 (1988), Pages 283-290

Stratigraphic and Structural Interpretations Using Diffraction Seismograms

Richard K. Snavely (1), A.K.M. Sarwar (1)


A two dimensional seismic diffraction modeling method has been applied to an east-west cross-section across Bay Marchand Blocks 2-4 located one and a quarter miles north of the Bay Marchand/South Timbalier area boundary. A twenty layer geologic Previous HitdepthNext Hit model has been constructed from the correlation of SP-induction and sonic well logs. Each layer has been assigned a Previous HitvelocityNext Hit determined from the corresponding sonic logs and a density approximated from Gardner's rule. A synthetic seismogram has been generated from the geologic Previous HitdepthTop model using a diffraction modeling computer program.

Both the synthetic seismogram and the seismic field trace illustrate a piercement salt dome, graben faulting, pinchout reflectors and salt truncation reflectors. The reflector shapes, the shadow zone due to faulting and the diffraction pattern which outlines the boundary of the salt dome on the synthetic seismic section are similar to those on the field seismic section.

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