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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 40 (1990), Pages 203-203

Abstract: Recent Advances in Borehold Imaging Based on the Circumferential Borehold Imaging Log (CBIL)

Walter H. Fertl (1)


The recently introduced Circumferential Borehold Imaging Log (CBIL) is recorded by an acoustic Previous HitboreholeNext Hit imaging device which utilizes a rotatin pulse-echo transducer to scan and provide an image of the entire (360 degree) circumference of the Previous HitboreholeNext Hit wall. A transducer rotates at the rate of six times per second and acquires 250 measurements per revolution.

Two key parameters are being measured: the amplitude of the reflected acoustic wave (which corresponds to variations in the rock properties) and the acoustic travel time (which is indicative of the distance from the transducer to the wellbore wall).

The CBIL provides a complete, detailed 360° Previous HitboreholeNext Hit image in fresh, salt, and oilbased drilling fluids. Applications are manyfold and include: detection and orientation of fractures, vugs, and Previous HitboreholeNext Hit breakouts (washouts); orientation and correlation of whole cores; sand/shale ratios in thin-bedded intervals; recognition of depositional features (e.g., highly laminated and/or crossbedded intervals); Previous HitboreholeTop geometry via high-resolution acoustic caliper data; generation of bore-hole cross sections and synthetic cores; bed orientation, etc.

Field examples illustrate these various applications in detailed reservoir description.

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(1) Atlat Wireline Services, Houston, Texas

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