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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GCAGS Transactions
Transgressions and Regressions in the Barataria Bight Region of Coastal Louisiana
Douglas R. Levin (1)
There is a paucity of stratigraphic information in the Barataria, Louisiana, shoreline area between the Caminada/Moreau Headland and Point Chenier Ronquille. The geologic history of this coastal reach has been determined using a database that includes nearly one hundred vibracores, high resolution seismic data, carbon-14 dates, scrutiny of historical maps and a consolidation of regional investigations conducted by other researchers. The refinement of the Mississippi Delta lobe chronology is of primary interest to researchers of coastal Louisiana.
At least three delta progradations have contributed to the Barataria geologic framework since 5000 yr B.P. The Bayou des Families lobe was first (4600 to 3600 yr B.P.) followed by Bayou Slue (2600 and 1900 yr B.P.) and then the Mississippi lobe (1000 yr B.P. to the present). The newer dataset suggests that the des Families lobe is older and the life span of the Bayou Blue lobe significantly longer than previously thought. The age of the Mississippi River lobe agrees with past researchers with the exception that the newer data allows recognition of an early and late phase of lobe construction.
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