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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GCAGS Transactions
Gulf Coast Oil and Gas Board Hearings: Credibility of Geological Expert Witnesses
William E. Pritchard, III (1)
Geologists who have little or no experience in presenting geological evidence before oil and gas administrative boards in the Gulf Coast region are often called as expert witnesses in issues of great significance concerning the development and ultimate ownership of a field. A geological witness must be adequately prepared and submit exhibits that are technically correct and carefully drafted to comply with the specificities of particular oil and gas regulations.
Canvassing of oil and gas administrative boards in the Gulf Coast region (Alabama; Arkansas; Florida; Louisiana; Mississippi; and Texas) revealed that each state agency has adopted its own set of rules and regulations that govern the permitting and spacing of wells, and the establishment of drilling and production units, based primarily on anticipated drainage area. Forced-pooling and/or risk compensation penalties designed to combat recalcitrant landowners or their lessees are available in all the Gulf States. Unitization of fields for secondary recovery operations and other purposes can be obtained from the administrative board in each jurisdiction if certain prerequisites are met. Credibility is the ultimate goal and paramount in obtaining favorable rulings from these administrative agencies. The credible geological expert must incorporate certain preparatory techniques to ensure competency and sufficiency in providing testimony to such agencies.
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