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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
GCAGS Transactions
Dynamic Evolution and Overhang Development of Salt Structures in the North Louisiana Salt Basin: Quantitative Models
Kenneth Petersen (1), Ian Lerche (1), Allen Lowrie (2)
Applications are given of a novel quantitative inverse modeling procedure to two salt structures in the North Louisiana salt basin. The first structure is a tall diapir with a clearly defined rim syncline to one side of the diapir and a less well defined rim syncline on the other side. By varying the parameters in the non-linear inverse procedure, a consistent reproduction of the observed data is obtained on both sides of the asymmetric diapir. In addition, in the regions where absence of data is hardest felt, the consistent model provides a measure of the degree, extent, and location of allowed salt overhang in order that the observed and predicted salt shapes are in accord. Therefore the procedure produces a quantified measure of the salt stock stem width to overhang width and the locations of both.
The second structure consists of two salt mounds. Here the quantitative model provides a consistent picture of the dynamic shaping of each mound in relation to their common rim syncline. In addition the inverse procedure provides a self-consistent dynamical evolution for both salt and sediments taken together which will be discussed.
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