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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 44 (1994), Pages 161-166

Petrography and Geochemistry of Vein-Filling Calcites, Balcones Fault Zone, Upper Cretaceous Strata, North-Central Texas

William C. Dawson (1), Halina M. Szymczyk (1), Donald F. Reaser (2)


The Austin Chalk and the underlying Eagle Ford Shale are transected by en echelon faults and fractures, associated with the Balcones Fault Zone, along an outcrop trend that extends from Dallas to Austin, Texas. These faults and fractures strike generally northeastward, and many are cemented by sparry calcite. Slickensides, preserved on outer surfaces of calcite cements, record fault movement. Early calcite cements are nonferroan, and later cements are ferroan calcite. Petrographic analyses indicate the occurrence of fir-tree zoning and fluorescent inclusions within calcite cements.

Vein-filling cements have stable isotopic signatures ^dgr18O -5.7 to -9.8 ^pmil PDB; ^dgr13C +1.6 to +2.7 ^pmil PDB) that are markedly depleted in ^dgr18O relative to the chalk matrix, inoceramid shells, and the estimated value for Cretaceous seawater. The depleted ^dgr18O signatures of the vein-filling calcites are suggestive of precipitation from warm basinal fluids. ^dgr13C analyses reveal that the Austin Chalk buffered the carbon incorporated into the calcite cements. These veins probably formed by a "crack-seal mechanism," whereby episodic increases in hydropressure caused fracturing. Precipitation of calcite cements within fractures is induced by subsequent decreases in pore pressure. Tectonic and diagenetic features in these outcrops provide analogs for fractured Austin Chalk reservoirs.

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