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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 44 (1994), Pages 631-639

Subsurface Planktonic Zonation of the Paleogene of Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast and Its Relationship to Relative Changes of Coastal Onlap

Rashel N. Rosen, Bruce E. Bowen, Kenneth J. Thies


Paleogene Gulf Coast benthic zonation based on outcrop and subsurface studies has served as a means of correlation for industry since the late 1920's. We propose a planktonic zonation for the Paleogene and discuss its relationship to the benthic assemblages, formations, and eustatic sea-level variations.

Twenty-nine planktonic datums are recognized; their highest occurrence and relationship to the condensed sections as related to maximum flooding surfaces and systems tract boundaries are discussed. This zonation is based on analyses of more than 400 wells and 2,500 mi of high-resolution seismic data in the Wilcox-Yegua-Frio trends, south Texas to central Louisiana.

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