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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 47 (1997), Pages 113-117

Horizontal Completions Improve Flow Rates and Recovery Efficiency in West Delta 54 Field Offshore Louisiana

B.J. Doyle (1), Bob Wonish (2), Tom Schroeder (3), D.E. Mathis (3)


Two horizontal wells were completed in a 3800 ft deep sand reservoir in West Delta Block 54 Field, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. The DP gas sand had produced 19 billion cubic feet of gas form vertical completions when the redevelopment program began. Flow rates from these existing wells were greatly restricted due to excessive sand and water production. Horizontal completion technology was chosen to maximize production rate at an initial drill site with a relatively thin 12 foot gas column on water. The subsequent 1000 foot long horizontal completion was made within the upper four feet of this water-drive reservoir.

The results of the first effort exceeded expectation, leading to the second horizontal completion in the reservoir. The two new wells have produced at a combined flow rate as high as 25 million cubic feet of gas per day. Commercial flow rates were maintained through the primary depletion phase with ensuing high water cuts. The scope of this report is two-fold:

  1. Comparison of productivity from two horizontal wellbores of different lengths within the same reservoir.
  2. Analysis of this completion technique's ability to minimize water and sand production at high flow rates and maintain commercial production after the gas-water level has moved above the wellbore.

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