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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 52 (2002), Pages 243-255

The Case for the Regressive Previous HitSystemsNext Hit Tract with Examples from the Tertiary and Pleistocene of the Northern Gulf Coast Basin

Edwards, Marc B.


Until the advent of sequence stratigraphy (late 1980s), geologists commonly subdivided the silici-clastic units of the Gulf Coast Basin into regressive and transgressive components. Sequence stratigraphy divided the regressive component into two separate units: the highstand Previous HitsystemsNext Hit tract (HST) and the lowstand Previous HitsystemsNext Hit tract (LST).

According to sequence stratigraphic theory, the HST and the LST are separated by a sequence boundary, with two implications: (1) the LST of a particular sequence is younger than the HST of the preceding sequence, and (2) the two Previous HitsystemsNext Hit Previous HittractsNext Hit contain facies that are not genetically related.

In the years following the introduction of sequence stratigraphy (early 1990s), it was noted in several publications that in areas where sediment input was active during a period of overall Previous HitseaNext Hit Previous HitlevelNext Hit fall, a single widespread sequence boundary did not form. Since the model necessitated the existence of a sequence boundary, stratigraphers argued over where the sequence boundary should be placed. To try to deal with this problem, the concept of "forced regression" was introduced, but this did not resolve the fundamental problems.

Uncritical application of the original (eustatically forced) sequence-stratigraphic paradigm requires geoscientists to identify stratigraphic components without any basis in fact or theory. Where analysis of the data indicates that updip and downdip facies are genetically related, a sequence model may be inappropriate or misleading. In these cases, the term regressive Previous HitsystemsTop tract is preferred, as it removes the need to identify a conceptual artifact: the chronostratigraphically and geometrically significant sequence boundary.

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