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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Previous HitGeologicalNext Hit Societies Transactions
Vol. 53 (2003), Pages 398-409

Integrated Exploration Scheme for Lower Wilcox Coalbed Methane in Central Louisiana

Gary L. Kinsland, Joseph E. Zeosky, Gilbert B. Smith, Robert V. Schneider


Gravity Previous HitdataNext Hit, magnetic Previous HitdataNext Hit, lineaments and facies patterns derived from well-log Previous HitdataNext Hit strongly correlate in West-Central Louisiana. The Lower Wilcox distributary facies and interdistributary coal facies are stacked, correlating with gravity and magnetic lows and highs, respectively. Surface lineaments also correlate with the potential field Previous HitdataNext Hit and the facies patterns.

A structural/depositional model that explains these correlations involves basement fractures along which topography developed during deposition of the Lower Wilcox strata. The developing topography constrained the locations of the delta plain distributaries and the interdistributary coals.

To explore efficiently for the coal and coalbed methane, surface lineaments, geophysical Previous HitdataNext Hit and well-log Previous HitdataTop should be integrated within the structural/depositional model to locate the stacked distributaries and consequently the interdistributary coals.

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