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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Volume 54 (2004)

EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Within Five Years, Hydrate Exploitation can be a Reality in the Northern Gulf of Mexico


Lowrie, A.,1 Dean, P. A.,2 and Lutken, C. B.3


Hydrates and associated free gases exist within the shallow sub-surface in waters deeper than 100-500m up to 2-3km. Forces impacting hydrate occurrence include chemistry of the original natural gases and the temperature/pressure regime within which these exist. At depths circa one to two km, the hydrate stability zone is approximately 100 to 300m thick, respectively, with gas trapped beneath the hydrate.

Along the northern Gulf of Mexico continental margin, hydrates are abundantly described. Seismic reflection and drilling data are adequate to locate and map hydrates and free gases.

Hydrate exploitation requires converting hydrates into free gases or harvesting gases associated with hydrates. Exploration involves locating and measuring exploitable potential reservoirs. Exploitation involves determining both the likelihood of removing gases safely and the structural integrity of the area being mined. A structural collapse and consequent catastrophic release of trapped gases would impact both continental margin stability and global climate. In both phases, judicious application of vertical and horizontal/inclined drilling is mandatory.

Seafloor and subsurface monitoring systems must be utilized before, during, and after the exploitation phase and include a seismic network and boreholes equipped for subsurface monitoring of temperatures/pressures migrating in the section. Monitoring of changes within the margin may be sufficient to prevent failure and maintain stability and continuity of the reservoir being exploited. With state-of-the-art monitoring via seismic reflection and boreholes, hydrates can be exploited successfully, with present technology, within five years.

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