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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Volume 54 (2004)

EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Structure of the Eastern Portion of the Monroe Gas Field, NE Louisiana


Washington, Paul A.1


Detailed subsurface mapping of the Monroe Gas Rock and overlying formations of the east-ern portions of the Monroe gas field in Ouachita and Morehouse Parishes, Louisiana finds evidence of east-verging thrust faults. The thrust ramps produce offsets and fault-bend fold pat-terns in the Monroe Gas Rock. Overlying formations also exhibit folding and offsets, but the folds and offsets generally are not vertically aligned with those found in the Monroe Gas Rock. No evidence of significant normal faulting has been found in the area. Because the field has experience repeated periods of exploration and production activity over the last 85 years, the subsurface data set is sufficient to map the structure with significant precision and find stratigraphic duplication in critically located wells.

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