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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 56 (2006), Pages 473-483

Stratigraphic Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of Seismic Data from the Garden Banks Block 235 Area, Offshore Gulf of Mexico

Edwin I. Linares, Abu K. M. Sarwar


This paper presents a stratigraphic Previous HitanalysisNext Hit of three-dimensional seismic data from Garden Banks Block 235, located in the Gulf of Mexico. Three exploratory wells were drilled in Block 235, but no discovery was made during previous exploration efforts in this block. Our examination found a new potential prospect in Block 235.

Detailed geometric and instantaneous Previous HitattributeNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit by Hilbert transformation revealed the presence of direct hydrocarbon indicators, such as bright spots and flat spots. Further studies were conducted to test these indicators, confirming the presence of complex stratigraphic changes within a prospective reservoir.

The proposed hydrocarbon pool is in a sand-filled channel, whose origin is related to salt tectonics and deltaic sand deposition during a relatively low stand of sea level. The salt diapirs created highs and lows on the sea floor, trapping sands that were transported down slope from the north. Dip-oriented salt ridges funneled sand-rich turbidity currents into this specific channel within the Garden Banks area.

The tectonic and stratigraphic framework was interpreted based on an integrated study of well log data, seismic facies, and seismic attributes. The reservoir was delineated, the resource potential was evaluated, and possible oil reserves were estimated. As a result of this Previous HitanalysisTop, drilling of an additional well was recommended in order to fully evaluate the prospect.

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