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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, 2011
Pages 451-462

Thermal Anomalies Near Salt: A Previous HitPorosityNext Hit Preservation Window

Thomas R. Taylor, Melvyn R. Giles, Lori A. Hathon, Gino V. Birbiglia, Mark G. Kittridge, Neil R. Braunsdorf


Previous HitPredictingNext Hit Previous HitsandstoneNext Hit Previous HitporosityNext Hit using parameters such as depth, temperature, or vertical effective stress alone is prone to errors in all but the most simple, low-temperature burial scenarios. The complex interplay of sand composition, texture, and fluid chemistry with variably changing temperature and effective stress through time yields a wide range of potential outcomes with respect to Previous HitreservoirNext Hit Previous HitporosityNext Hit and permeability. Calibrated Touchstone models combined with 3D basin models provide a method for quantitative Previous HitreservoirNext Hit quality prediction. Basin models indicate a zone of suppressed temperatures beneath thick salt bodies, with elevated temperatures occurring above. Rock properties, structural configuration, thickness of salt, and timing of salt emplacement control the magnitude of this effect. As a result, kinetic models indicate lower rates of quartz cementation in the subsalt zone, resulting in a transient window of Previous HitporosityTop preservation.

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