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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, 2012
Pages 57-72

Geology and Sequence Stratigraphy of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in Previous HitConventionalNext Hit and Continuous Petroleum Systems in the Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Group and Related Strata, U.S. Gulf Coast Region

Russell F. Dubiel, Ofori N. Pearson, Janet Pitman, Krystal Pearson, Scott Kinney


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently assessed the technically recoverable undiscovered oil and gas onshore and in State waters of the Gulf Coast region of the United States. The USGS defined three assessment units (AUs) with potential undiscovered Previous HitconventionalNext Hit and continuous oil and gas resources in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian to Turonian) strata of the Eagle Ford Group and correlative Previous HitrocksNext Hit. The assessment is based on geologic elements of a total petroleum system, including hydrocarbon Previous HitsourceNext Hit Previous HitrocksNext Hit (Previous HitsourceNext Hit rock maturation, hydrocarbon generation and migration), reservoir Previous HitrocksNext Hit (sequence stratigraphy and petrophysical properties), and traps (formation, timing, and seals). Previous HitConventionalNext Hit oil and gas undiscovered resources are in updip sandstone Previous HitreservoirsNext Hit in the Upper Cretaceous Tuscaloosa and Woodbine Formations (or Groups) in Louisiana and Texas, respectively, whereas continuous oil and continuous gas undiscovered resources reside in the middip and downdip Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Shale in Texas and the Tuscaloosa marine shale in Louisiana. Previous HitConventionalNext Hit resources in the Tuscaloosa and Woodbine are included in the Eagle Ford Updip Sandstone Oil and Gas AU, in an area where the Eagle Ford Shale and Tuscaloosa marine shale display vitrinite reflectance (Ro) values less than 0.6%. The continuous Eagle Ford Shale Oil AU lies generally south of the Previous HitconventionalNext Hit AU, is primarily updip of the Lower Cretaceous shelf edge, and is defined by thermal maturity values within shales of the Eagle Ford and Tuscaloosa that range from 0.6 to 1.2% Ro. Similarly, the Eagle Ford Shale Gas AU is defined downdip of the shelf edge where Previous HitsourceNext Hit Previous HitrocksNext Hit have Ro values greater than 1.2%. For undiscovered oil and gas resources, the USGS assessed means of: 1) 141 million barrels of oil (MMBO), 502 billion cubic feet of natural gas (BCFG), and 4 million barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL) in the Eagle Ford Updip Sandstone Oil and Gas AU; 2) 853 MMBO, 1707 BCFG, and 34 MMBNGL in the Eagle Ford Shale Oil AU; and 3) 50,219 BCFG and 2009 MMBNGL in the Eagle Ford Shale Gas AU.

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