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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, 2013
Pages 23-26

The Use of Modern 3D Seismic Data Previous HitProcessingNext Hit Techniques, 5D Interpolation, and Anisotropic PSTM to Improve Existing 3D Data in South Louisiana Data—Pulling the Scales from our Eyes; New Truth from Existing Datasets

John Asma, John Stevens, Sukhdev Hyare, Dave Spaulding


Modern data acquisition techniques are often required to image deep features and complex structural regimes. However, there is a treasure trove of existing data that can be mined. Multi-dimensional interpolation schemes and anisotropic pre-stack time migration are welcome additions to the standard Previous HitprocessingNext Hit library. Although these modern computer intensive processes promise to improve the imaging process, attention to detail prior to these routines can contribute to some surprising and gratifying results. Several examples from south Louisiana will be used to illustrate the application of advanced Previous HitprocessingTop procedures, including multi-dimensional interpolation and anisotropic pre-stack time migration, as well as the benefits of careful and thorough preprocessing.

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