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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, 2013
Pages 91-110

A Structural Previous HitAnalysisNext Hit of the Green Knoll Salt Dome Located in Southeast Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico

Randy Broussard, Abu K. M. Sarwar


The western portion of the Mississippi frontal fold belt in the Gulf of Mexico contains what is known as the Green Knoll salt dome. The autochthonous root of the Green Knoll salt dome has a salt-cored fold belt, “Frampton anticline,” that runs through it. The creation and growth of this salt diapir is punctuated by salt deposition, salt migration, and sediment loading, and is linked to the Frampton fold. An indicator of these growth periods are exhibited in a great angular unconformity (halokinetic Previous HitsequenceNext Hit boundary) that flanks the diapir which occurred during the Pliocene and Miocene chronostratigraphic boundary. The “Redwood” (Green Canyon Block 1001 [GC 1001]) prospect was drilled after the discovery of middle and lower Miocene aged sands containing hydrocarbons in the Mad Dog Field (GC 826) located about 12 mi (19 km) northeast of “Redwood.” The objective Miocene sands in the “Redwood” borehole were missed by this angular unconformity causing the sands to pinch out. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has provided a Geoframe IESX workstation for the seismic interpretation in conjunction with Previous HitwellNext Hit Previous HitlogNext Hit data which was used to discover that the unconformity may not have provided the seal needed to trap hydrocarbons on the flank of the salt dome, even though there are plenty of Cretaceous and Jurassic source rock, as Previous HitwellNext Hit as faulting to provide the migration of hydrocarbons to the trap. Yet, it is still possible that if a Previous HitwellTop were to be drilled further downdip from where the “Redwood” prospect was drilled, one may find good quality sands with potential hydrocarbons.

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