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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 72 (2023), Pages 103-112

Late Paleocene Foraminifera from the Toulmin Bed of the Salt Mountain Limestone, Alabama

Belkasim Khameiss, Richard Fluegeman


Paleogene sediments are indicated by Previous HitbenthicNext Hit and planktonic foraminifera data in the Salt Mountain Formation’s lower portion, a marine sandstone called the Toulmin Bed, which rich in foraminifera, bryozoan, and algal fragments. The following Previous HitbenthicNext Hit foraminifera have been identified in this bed: Cibicides praecursorius, Bulimina sp., Lagena acuticosta, Discorbis washburni, Anomalina acuta, Lenticulina degolyeri, and Guttulina problema. The planktonic foraminifera Morozovella angulata, Acarnania intermedia, and Planorotalites pseudomenardii have been reported, along with Cancris auriculu, Ceratobulimina sp., Osangularia exoansa, and others. The primary goals of this research were to get more information about foraminifera and determine the location of the pre-reef stage in the Salt Mountain Limestone area. Additionally, this is the first report regarding Previous HitbenthicTop and planktonic foraminifera in this bed. According to data from the Toulmin Bed, this bed is from the Late Paleocene biozone P4 (Thanetian). The presence of the most bryozoan species is a good indicator of the pre-reef stage.

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