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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 73 (2024), Pages 63-77

Shallow Depressions of Enigmatic Origin as Possible Surficial Indicators of Hydrogen Gas Emanations from Deep-Seated Sources within the Earth

David T. King, Jr., Richard A. Esposito, Jr.


Studies of hydrogen emanations from within clusters of shallow depressions of enigmatic origin at many places in the world have shown that these depressions are vents for significant amounts of hydrogen gas emerging from the subsurface. Further, geophysical investigations of the deep subsurface realm beneath the areas where there are such depressions emitting hydrogen gas indicate that there are possible sources for the gas, notably either from serpentinization of large mafic rock bodies at depth; and/or from a deep-seated tectonic boundary from which mantle-derived hydrogen may be emerging. The present report reviews some noteworthy previous investigations of hydrogen-gas emanations from shallow depressions and describes similar-appearing shallow depressions from a potential hydrogen-emitting area in southern Belize.

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