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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


3-D Seismic Case Histories From the Gulf Coast Basin.

A GCAGS Special Publication, June 1998.

Pages 27-36

Copyright © 2004 by Gulf Coast Association Of Geological Societies. All rights reserved.


By Richard F. Lane and Robert C. Pace

American Exploration Co., 1331 Lamar, Ste. 900, Houston, TX 77010


Brazos 440 Field is a Lower Miocene Field Offshore Texas that was near abandonment when a 3-D seismic survey provoked another stage of development. Improved data quality highlighted fault blocks that had not been depleted by two previous stages of development. Seismic amplitude anomalies on the 3-D match the original field outline confirming the partial pressure depletion drive of the main C sand reservoir. Coherency CubeTM analysis allowed the ability to quickly recognize complex fault patterns not seen on conventional Previous HittimeNext Hit Previous HitslicesTop

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