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Dilworth (Carrizo) Field , McMullen County, Texas
1 Consulting Geophysicist, P.O. Box 160415, Austin, TX 78716-0415
2 Consulting Geologist, Box 1339, Georgetown, TX 78627
A 3-D seismic survey covering 8.6 square miles was conducted by Dan A. Hughes Company et al during the summer of 1994 on the Dilworth salt dame in McMullen County, Texas. A time interpretation of the 3-D records, using a reflection event near the top of the Eocene Carrizo sandstone at 3200 feet, showed concentric faults bounding a downthrown faulted dome. Drilling guided by the 3-D data has resulted in 10 Carrizo oil wells in 3 fault blocks on the faulted dome structure and 1 Carrizo oil well in an upthrown fault block. Development drilling is continuing in this field which is believed to have reserves in excess of 1.5 million barrels of oil.
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