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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Grand Junction Geological Society


Paleontology and Geology of the Dinosaur Triangle, 1987
Pages 103-106

Stratigraphic Previous HitCorrelationNext Hit of Dinosaur Quarries Near Grand Junction, Colorado

Harley J. Armstrong, Elizabeth S. McReynolds


Current attempts at developing a biostratigraphy for the area around Grand Junction yield some interesting, although as yet unreliable, comparisons of Upper Jurassic dinosaur quarries within the Morrison Formation. For the purposes of this paper, nine quarries or localities have been compared. Relative stratigraphic levels have been attempted. Some are reliable; others are not, due to a lack of a visible boundary either at the bottom, middle, or top of the formation. With further work, based upon these findings, the authors believe some reliable Previous HitbiostratigraphicTop interpretations may be made. Hence, there should be eventually a coming-together of certain groups of dinosaurs into assemblages or melds, and perhaps some time-sequenced evolutionary steps may be discovered.

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