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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


14th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 1), 1985
Pages 565-586

New Developments in Acoustic Logging

J. Zemanek, D. M. Williams, R. L. Caldwell, C. L. Dennis, F. A. Angona


Compressional velocities under difficult borehole conditions, shear velocities in unconsolidated formations and estimates of in situ formation permeability can now be obtained using two new logging tools. By combining improvements in transducer technology and electronic equipment design a long spaced acoustic logging tool (LSAL) has been developed to produce superior quality digital waveform data. These data are analyzed to obtain accurate compressional velocities free of skip cycles in large diameter boreholes and through zones of damaged shale or gas. Permeabilities from core analyses have been found to correlate with tube Previous HitwaveNext Hit attenuation and Previous HitvelocityNext Hit providing for the first time a direct estimate of in situ permeability even in the water portion of a reservoir.

When formation shear velocities are greater than the borehole fluid compressional Previous HitvelocityNext Hit, the digitally recorded LSAL data are analyzed to extract shear velocities from the refracted shear Previous HitwaveNext Hit. In unconsolidated formations where the shear Previous HitvelocityNext Hit is less than the borehole fluid Previous HitvelocityNext Hit there is no refracted shear Previous HitwaveNext Hit. For this reason and because sometimes the refracted shear Previous HitwaveNext Hit is not readily recognizable on LSAL data, a direct shear Previous HitwaveNext Hit acoustic logging tool (SWAL) was developed. Data have been obtained in lithologies ranging from well lithified sediments to unconsolidated sandstones. In hard rocks, agreement of SWAL data to refracted shear Previous HitwaveNext Hit data from the LSAL is excellent. In formations with little or no lithification excellent shear Previous HitwaveTop data have also been obtained. Such data are useful for strength of cementation for proper design of sand control measures.

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