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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
MSDC-1: A Gas Discovery Well in the Malacca Strait PSC, Sumatra, Indonesia
Exploration Well MSDC-1 is located on the eastern margin of the Bengkalis Trough, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, and is the first gas discovery in the Lasmo operated Malacca Strait PSC. MSDC-1 was the first well in the PSC drilled solely for pre-Sihapas primary objectives. The DC structure was mapped at Menggala and Pematang levels and is interpreted to be an Upper Oligocene inversion anticline developed over a reversed extensional fault. The well reached a total depth of 8,754 ft subsea in the Basal Clastics Formation. A total of seven drillstem tests were performed with an aggregate flow of 59 BOPD, 627 BCPD and 31.5 MMCFGPD. The DC structure is a low relief feature and the well results indicate that the hydrocarbon column encountered exceeds the mapped structural closure. A geological model is proposed that indicates that the trapping mcchanism is, in part, stratigraphically controlled. MSDC-1 has been suspended as a gas well.
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