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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
Contribution of Lahat Formation as Hydrocarbon Source Rock in South Palembang Area, South Sumatera, Indonesia
Lahat or Lemat Formation which mainly consist of coarse volcanic rocks is usually assumed that have no possibility to be hydrocarbon source rock. However, in some areas this Formation also contains some very fine sedimentary rocks such as claystone and shale, for example the Benakat Shale. Such very fine sediments are organically rich having maturity level within the oil generation window. These sediments contain a mixed Type II and Type III kerogens which may yield oil and gas. Therefore the Lahat Formation has a possibility to be the source of some crude oils in the area.
Biomarker assessments have shown that the organic matters contained in the Lahat source rocks are identical with those of the Talang Akar. Moreover, some crude oils in the area show similar biomarker characteristics to the source-rocks of both formations. These results suggest that the fine grained sediments of the Lahat Formation must have produced liquid hydrocarbon in the sub-basin.
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