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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
The Geophysical Case History of Rengasdengklok Area, North West Java
Although the exploration for oil in Rengasdengklok Area started in the forties, the gravity and magnetic methods were not employed until 1971. The first use of seismic method followed in 1972. A wildcat based on the interpretation of these methods turned out to be a duster.
Two more exploratory wells based on seismic data acquired from 1973 to 1982 were also disappointing. These dry holes led explorationists to the new approach by utilizing better exploration technology. The acoustic impedance seismic processing offering structural, stratigraphic, and reservoir interpretation was thus applied. The discovery well MB-3, and the success of subsequent drilling confirmed the validity of this exploration approach, namely the use of conventional seismic interpretation to delincate the structures and carbonate buildups, and the use of acoustic impedance section to predict the reservoir characters.
This approach is still evolving, but it is contributing enormously to the continuance of the exploration campaign in Rengasdengklok Area.
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