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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


21st Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 1992
Pages 35-50

Utilization of Pressure Data Recorded While Perforating

Ronny Maas, Andon Suwito, Cholid Mas


Transient testing of a non-flowing well is more difficult than the naturally flowing case. In some cases such a test is not even practical. Combination of the perforating guns with the pressure gauges provides a way to monitor, in real time, the pressure behaviour of the well during a perforation run. Measurement during perforation offers several advantages: knowledge of the cushion pressure for correct formation underbalance, positive detection of gun firing, quantification of the amount of reservoir fluid influx into the wellbore and determination of both permeability and skin.

This paper discusses the field experience gained by use of the Measurement While Perforating Tool (MWPT) in on-shore South Sumatra reservoirs exploited by P.T. Stanvac Indonesia, an Exxon-Mobil affiliate.

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