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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


21st Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 1992
Pages 517-533

Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Previous HitSimulationNext Hit of Complex Sumatran Oil Fields on Integrated Risc-Based Workstations

Pradeep S. Kumar, Brian S. Carr, Handoko Mukidjab


Advanced, powerful workstations are now being used to perform large, complex Previous HitreservoirNext Hit Previous HitsimulationNext Hit studies at relatively low cost. These RISC-based (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) desktop workstations, using UNIX® operating system software, serve to effectively integrate technologically advanced software from various exploration and production disciplines onto a single, user-friendly, hardware platform. The use of a common interface for all software on fast, powerful workstations provides for decreased costs, faster analyses, and improved productivity. Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Previous HitsimulationNext Hit engineers now have the hardware and software tools to develop and run large, complex Previous HitsimulationNext Hit models at the desktop.

The Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Engineering Department of American Overseas Petroleum Limited (Amoseas) is conducting Previous HitsimulationNext Hit studies of several fields in central Sumatra for P. T. Caltex Pacific Indonesia. Amoseas has aggressively pursued the acquisition and integration of RISC-based desktop workstations into a departmental network for performing these Previous HitsimulationNext Hit studies. Small Previous HitsimulationNext Hit models (6,000 cells) as well as very large Previous HitsimulationNext Hit models (nearly 100,000 cells) have been successfully run using workstation hardware/software.

This paper provides a general overview of versatile RISC workstation hardware and software; specific information is provided based on Amoseas experience and familiarity with an IBM® workstation. The advantages of the RISC machines, and their integration into the existing computer system are also discussed. Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Previous HitsimulationTop models of the Minas, Bekasap, and Pematang fields are used to provide comparative performance statistics from a RISC workstation (IBM RISC System/6000™Model 550 POWERserver) versus a mainframe computer (an IBM ES/3090™VF Model 600S vector facility).

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