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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


23rd Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 1994
Pages 289-299

Pagerungan PGE Development - the Development of High Rate Gas Wells Using Subsea Trees on Mudline Equipment

Kevin E. Wann


The eastern portion of the Pagerungan gas field which lies in approximately 210' of water, was programmed to be developed in early 1994. Several options were considered for the development drilling project including extended reach drilling from shore, deviated drilling from an offshore platform and subsea completion. The third option, subsea completion, was chosen because of its favourable economics, delivery time and decreased drilling risk.

The subsea trees used were a modification of a proven design previously used by ARCO in the North Sea on the Orwell Subsea Development. The modifications made to the Orwell trees simplified the tree and tree running equipment design. Despite an early set-back with a specific tree component, two trees were successfully installed by the middle of May 1994 and are capable of producing gas at average rates of 60 MMCFD per well.

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