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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


24th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 1995
Pages 596-596

CNG: A Rosy Alternative Fuel for Tomorrow: Abstract

Jus Soekidjo1, Dudhy Ch. P. A.2


CNG, a rosy alternative fuel for tomorrow, has tremendous development potential for Indonesian Natural Gas, which promises a reliable, economic and dependable fuel for the future. The basic philosophy of the CNG undertaking in Indonesia is primarily related to the continuing concern about the environment as well as economic and energy security implications.

In 1987, PERTAMINA (Indonesian National Oil and Gas Mining Enterprise) first introduced natural gas as an alternative fuel for transportion. This effort has led to the situation where compressed natural gas for vehicles is now entering the market on a commercial basis.

The development of gaseous fuel for vehicles in Indonesia has involved a wide range of organizations both in governmental and private sectors and covers a number of approaches. PERTAMINA, jointly with its co-partners, has and is continuing to work cooperatively to ensure a high degree of coordination.

Natural gas, as a clean fuel, offers a number of advantages over conventional liquid fuels such as petrol or diesel fuels. It is relatively clean burning and can make a significant contribution to improving the quality of air in urban areas and is generally available at a price half that of petrol.

Since the launch of CNG use in Indonesia 8 years ago, the CNG industry has entered the market on a commercial basis, and around 3,000 vehicles of the total population of some 27,690 public vehicles in the city of Jakarta are now being powered by gaseous fuel. The most interesting is that of the total 3,000 gas-fueled cars, there are some 100 owned by individuals. What stimulates their interest in using CNG for their cars is that the price of CNG as a fuel subtitute is half that of petrol coupled with the economic benefit of an efficient firing system that extends the service life of their cars and reduces maintenance. At present, PERTAMINA is operating 10 CNG filling stations throughout Jakarta.

To expand the CNG market in Indonesia, PERTAMINA has made studies of other potential areas such as in West and East Java, North and South Sumatera, and East Kalimantan. All these efforts are aimed at expanding the possible market for CNG in the future.

CNG, as the promising alternative fuel for tomorrow, needs support from all parties. Compressed Natural Gas presents a clear alternative to petrol and distillate against a background of rising fuel cost and air pollution. The economic and environmental benefits of natural gas are major reasons for the Previous HitbrightNext Hit outlook for CNG. However, an improvement to the air quality in cities will only be realized when the number of CNG-powered cars becomes significant. This will take some time to achieve. It is also hoped that the intrinsic benefits of providing an alternate energy source as well as economic security will support a Previous HitbrightTop outlook for CNG in Indonesia.


Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Pertamina

2 Pertamina

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