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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
Stratigraphic Analysis of the Main Member of the Upper Cibulakan Formation at E Field, Offshore Northwest Java, Indonesia
Seismic, well-log, and core data, illustrate the presence of deltaic as well as shelfal depositional systems within the Main Member of the Upper Cibulakan Formation at the E Field, offshore northwest Java. Seismic amplitude extractions as well as other reflection attributes clearly show the presence of a well-developed channel, likely deltaic in origin, trending east-west. Biostratigraphic and sedimentologic data from cores indicate that the depositional environment of the sediments filling the channel was open marine. Seismic facies analysis using CGG Petrosystem's StratimagicTM neural network-based algorithm suggests a heterolithic facies distribution influenced by the presence of faults.
Also within the Main Member, seismic imaging reveals the presence of interpreted sand fields or patches. These features are characterized by a sharply defined linear edge on their western side and by a gradational margin on the remaining sides. Well-log and core data suggest the presence of a ravinement surface at the base of these sand patches. The sediments above this surface contain fine to medium grained sandstones with abundant shell fragments. We interpret that these sand fields are comprised of sand waves migrating across a possible transgressive surface of erosion. The direction of migration appears to be in the direction of the sharply defined edges to these fields.
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