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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
Effects of Wellbore Stability on Sand Production: Abstract
This poster describes a series of laboratory experiments to observe the effects of wellbore stability on sand production. Wellbore stability is a very important aspect thatshould be considered during production activity. The poster will present the effect of wellbore stability due to the wellbore design at the production zone for a perforated and cased wellbore. A physical wellbore model has been designed where different boreholeangles and perforation parameters (shot density and perforation pattern) have been imposed. Generally, all sand models failed and sand particles were produced. It was found that stable, perforated wellbores produce fewer sand particles.
Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes
1 University Technology, Malaysia
2 University Technology, Malaysia
Copyright © 2006 by the Indonesian Petroleum Association